4 de marzo de 2012

Slavoj Zizek about "Come to Daddy" by Aphex Twin

Slavoj Zizek about "Come to Daddy" by Aphex Twin 


·         1: "Nightmare is not simply horror, not simply anxiety, not simply tension. in the nightmare there is always an ambiguity of border-crossing, of externalisation, where you meet an object that emerges from your deepest inside."
·         2: "let's take an object like saliva in your mouth: it's not disgusting/horrible, you can swallow it, no problem.
·         3: "to generalize this: now imagine on the same level your most secret objects of your fantasies, your most secret dreams, by which your whole psychic identity is structured. But precisely because they are so known/intimate to you, you don't dare to confront them directly. So this is precisely what you do confront in a nightmare."
·         4: "this tv-set not simply becomes alive, that would be too primitive. instead of this the SCREEN becomes alive and a creature emerges and steps out into our reality."
·         5: "in our daily life we have a clear distinction between the screen we are projecting our fantasies on and the reality. the horror consists here again in crossing the limit - in both ways."
·         6: "because - let me put it here in clear terms: what is happening on the screen? the screen in a way is the realm of the undead. i think, the primordial experience of the screen is the experience of some kind of ghost-realm. what we see on the screen is always some kind of undead, ghost-like life. but the horror arises not until this border, that sperates us from the screen, is transgressed."

Translated by mangomungo hace 1 año


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